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Samples from Client work

Goblin Armor

Elven head sculpt

Above are from Dragonsan. Our team made the armor for the goblins and the face sculpt for the Elves. They are owned and sold by Dragonsan.

Elves available on Unity asset store: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/characters/uma-elf-race-pack-221600

Goblins available on Unity store: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/characters/uma-goblin-armor-pack-ii-221517

Apocolyptic Set 1

Inclusive commission with male/female outfits that will be released to the asset store.

Coming to the asset store soon!
We are working on set 2, which will have total of 6 sets of male/female outfits.