WatreGames is a small art studio and game development company, and we make immersive and imaginative games. Our ultimate goal is to create games that entertain, bring people together, and allow them to tell their own stories or to live our stories. We are located in the NYC area and work out of our office.
We are also in the process of creating assets for the Unity Asset Store. Look for these in the near future.
Our team members are skilled in the following areas:
Programming C# Java
3d Modeling in Maya and Blender, Texturing using Substance painter, Detailed terrain creation.
2d Illustration, concept art, icons, UI design and creation.
Game Design: Writing, level building.
AR and VR
AR Training project – Several members of our team are involved in a contract for training videos using AR.

Laura has both undergraduate and graduate degrees in geology and worked years for environmental consulting firms. After she left her job, she realized she needed something to keep busy. So she started working with an indie British game development company remotely as a writer. Eventually, she became the Lead Writer with a team of twelve writers. Her exposure to the game industry led to an interest in design, especially terrain creation, where she could use her geology experience to create realistic worlds. She has worked with Unity for over 15 years and is active on the Unity forums as Teila.
By day, Dennis works as a mechanical engineering manager. By night and weekends, he programs games and training applications. What began as a hobby has now become a family business. He is proficient in C#, C++, and Java. He has experience with AR, VR and PC games. He has worked with various engines, including Torque3d and Unity over the past 10 years.

Aynsley has been creating art since she was very young. Homeschooled as a child, she was able to start formal art instruction and hone her digital and traditional art skills. She was accepted into a juried show where she sold her art. Her life is busy with commissions for illustrations and game art. She creates 3d art in Maya and Blender, and is proficient in retopology, rigging and skinning as well as modeling. She creates clothing for our models using Maya and Blender. Furthermore, she also makes armor and clothing models for commissions of both UMA and custom contracts.
Aynsley also makes her own games using her 2d art skills to create stunning environments. Her most recent contract was making logos and UI art for a small studio creating an MMO.
She has one semester left of community college and will be attending PennState University and focusing on user experience, UI, UX and code with art.
Kerensa is a talented artist with his own edgy style. His specialty is 2d digital art and he has sold paintings at shows as well as commissions. He won 1st prize at an art show for a watercolor ink rendition of a bearded vulture. He creates much of our 2d art, including icons, concept art, illustrations and title pages, and UI art. He is now tackling Maya and making some 3d models for the asset store. His splendid 2d painting techniques have transferred to Substance painter and he makes most of the textures we use for our models in our game as well as for armor and clothing commissions. He is also finishing community college after next fall and will be attending university at SUNY Empire State in NY.

Ryan is a very talented and creative programmer. He started the company along with his parents when he was in his early teens. He has an A.S. in computer science with skills in C# and Java. He especially loves AI and spent a great deal of time helping others unscramble the mysteries of asset store AI. He is known on the Unity forums as Tonanbora and has created many videos that helped people with the ICE Creature Controller Asset. He is proficient in Unity with mecanim, scriptable objects, and overall programming.
Ryan now contracts with us for work and he is available for contract work. He helped to set up the AI in the game Yukidama and has had commissions with other developers.
James is the latest addition to our team as a writer. He will be helping Laura with the lore, quest arcs, NPC profiles, etc. James attended Rutgers in NJ. He enjoys interactive fiction, table-top gaming and getting lost on the islands of Myst, Skye, and the Neverland.