
Now that we are settled into our new (temporary) home, we are putting our development into hyper-speed. We have lots of projects in the works as well as working with clients to deliver products.
Unity is adding exciting new features to the engine, including high quality rendering pipelines which will improve performance and increase the quality of the graphics. They are upgrading the terrain, finally, and adding streaming for open worlds. Also, other technical changes will allow developers to use many objects in their game without huge overhead.
All this is exciting news for us and for Legends of Aryiure.
So while we wait for all that cool stuff from Unity, our team is busy with other projects.
Our focus at the moment is a psychological thriller in space which will be made for the Oculus Rift VR system as well as a PC version in first person. Our previous contract work was in AR and so this switch to VR for this game has been relatively painless. Currently working on level design and art, plus some a cool grip system created by our programmer, Dennis.
One of our artists, Aynsley, has been contracted by a small studio to do UI and logo artwork. We are watching their game and hope it does well. This artist is also working on her own platform game, coding and art, which is impressive. The game is in the Metroidvania style and looks awesome.
Our other artist, Kerensa, has plans for some character models she wants to sell on the asset store. Also, we hope to get some already created assets on the store in the near future.
I will be setting up sections on the website for all the games we are creating as well as asset store products. Feels good to be fully back to work.
On a personal note, we are enjoying the winter here in NJ, my first for a very long time and the first winter my kids have experienced. I do sometimes long for the lovely winter days of Florida, but I am sure this coming summer I will be happy to be here.
Thanks for checking in and will try to post more often.
Watregames Team
As a co-organizer for our local Unity User Group, one of my tasks is to find interesting subjects for our Monday Workshops each month. Sometimes, we meet someone who would love to speak. Other times, we need to make our own content for the meeting.
This coming Monday we have decided to do a hands-on workshop, especially for those who are new to Unity. So together with on of our programmers, we put together a science fiction scene, an alien planet.
We will use Unity Personal, which is a feature complete engine, unlike the old Unity Free. The only thing missing from Unity Personal are some add on services, most of which can be purchased a la carte. Of course, if one makes over $100k on their Unity related commercial products, then they will need to upgrade to a paid level. But until then, Unity Personal is great for learning and developing your first game.
Every asset in our alien world is free on the Unity asset store. While money will buy you more elaborate models, with the right lighting one can do amazing things even with free stuff. Asset store products make great models and tools for prototyping your world or in some cases, they can even make an entire game.
I will begin the presentation by showing the attendees how to build a terrain using real world data and showing them how I used a free tool to texture the terrain and use Unity’s terrain brush system to add rocks to the landscape. We will then place models on the world, and discuss the importance of matching your art. We will create lighting, including reflections in the scene and add a dramatic skybox. Audio sources will be added to create atmosphere.
Ryan will then walk through adding a first person character to the scene. A weapon will be added and the attendees will learn how to add bullets/lights that fire at the enemies. They will also set up a UI for the health bar.
Next, he will show how to add a Navmesh Agent and Mob Controller. Once this is done, an Animator Controller can be added to the alien monsters. A Navmesh will be added so the aliens can wander once they are spawned. The attendees will learn how to set up the Spawner.
Finally, I will show everyone what a few inexpensive paid assets can add to the scene such as blowing sand and a few other extras.
We are hoping our participants will take these projects home and tweak them, adding their own flavor to the scene. I cannot wait to see what they create!
Hopefully, we can present this to a group of homeschooler teens/preteens in the future as well. Games are fun, but learning to make your own games can teach you so much, not only about coding but about design and art.
I will post back about the experience and maybe with a link to a video in the next post.
In August, the team traveled north to visit friends and family as well as see the total eclipse! We spent the day on a farm in Southern Illinois, with a nice family who welcomed us to their home. We stood at the edge of a field watching an amazing event. When the sun went total, the birds went crazy, the cows bellowed in confusion, and the crickets started singing. The light dimmed and we all watched the corona, a very strange and wonderful experience.
Then in October, we had another fabulous experience as the team traveled to Austin to experience the Unity conference, Unite. We met people we had only talked to online, built relationships, learned a great deal about the future of Unity, and enjoyed the city of Austin. It was wonderful to hang out with others who understood all about the perils and joys of being in Indie game developer. The Unity folks were great, kind and approachable. The talks were interesting. 3 team members, myself included, won drones at the Unity Trivia match!
I have taken over as the organizer of the local Tampabay Unity User Group as the other organizers are out of the country for a while…a long while it seems. I have enjoyed meeting local game developers, students and hobbyists. It is always a challenge to get folks out but we are working hard to rebuild after we lost our hosting site when the previous organizer left. We have a new site and are confident that we can bring in some good speakers and enjoy sharing our progress with the other members as they also share theirs. I learn so much from them.
Other news…we are busy preparing some assets for the Unity Asset store, both scripting, and art assets. Hopefully a few of those will be out soon after the holidays. While we won’t get rich, every bit helps us to continue developing our game. We are also looking forward to helping others with their games by creating some quality assets. With one major game in progress and a few smaller ones on the back burner, we have plenty to keep us busy.
I have also spent time this year testing assets for others, especially terrain assets and have watched these talented developers produce some very fine tools. I hope to continue that as well. Much of what I learn helps us move forward as well.
As the year winds down, I look forward to 2018 and the new advances Unity will make during the year. I know there are big changes in the future, mostly good, but a bit scary at times as it means learning lots of new skills.
So…Happy Holidays to all out there who might read this….from me, Dennis, Ryan, Aynsley and Kerensa, and I am sure Teun, Dylan and Richard would chime in as well if they knew I was writing this.
And especially…a very Happy New Year!!!
Laura, PM/Designer
Our team members recently hung out at the Tampabay Comic Con. We had a great time and enjoyed seeing all the interesting and creative costumes at the con. We were also pleased to find several game development panels and talks.
While hanging out with video game characters, superheros and aliens from Star Trek, we also learned about GIS and terrain modeling in Unity, met a team of indie developers in Tampa, and had an interesting impromptu discussion about game development with a handful of developers we met.
We are looking forward to our next conference, this one a Tech con in Orlando.